The following Local Rules and Terms of Competition, together with any additions or amendments published by Gourock Golf Club, will apply to all Competitions run by Gourock Golf Club. For the full text of any Local Rule referenced below, please refer to the Official Guide to the Rules of Golf effective January 2023 and the Clarification updated quarterly by “The R&A,” available at
Unless otherwise noted, the penalty for breach of a Local Rule is the General Penalty (Loss of hole in match play or two penalty strokes in stroke play).
1. Out of Bounds (Rule 18.2)
(a) Beyond any wall, fence or line of white stakes defining the boundary of the course. Note: Where out of bounds is defined by white stakes or fence posts, the out of bounds line is determined by the course-side edge at ground level of such stakes or posts. A ball is out of bounds when all of it lies over such a line.
(b) On or beyond any white line defining the boundary of the course. A ball is out of bounds when all of it lies on or over such a line.
(c) In or beyond any ditch defining the boundary of the course.
2. Penalty Areas (Rule 17)
(a) Red Penalty Areas are marked with red stakes or lines. The Penalty Areas when playing holes number 2 and 3 (left of fairway), 8 (right of fairway) and 15 (right and left of fairway except area adjacent to 11th Green) are defined only on one side and extend to infinity; during play of any other hole, they are to be treated as part of the General Area.
(b) When a penalty area adjoins a boundary, the penalty area edge extends to and coincides with the boundary.
(c) When a player’s ball is found in or it is known or virtually certain to have come to rest in any penalty area where the ball last crossed the edge of the penalty area at a point coinciding with the boundary of the course, opposite side relief is available under Model Local Rule B-2.1.
(d) Any ball found in or virtually certain to have landed in an unmarked drainage ditch throughout the course must be treated as being in a penalty area.
3. Abnormal Course Conditions (Including Immovable Obstructions) (Rule 16)
(a) Ground Under Repair
1. Any area bounded by a white line or white dotted line or blue stakes.
2. Any area of damaged ground considered by a rules official to be abnormal.
3. Seams of cut turf; Model Local Rule F-7 is in effect.
4. Painted yardage markings or dots on the putting green or in a part of the general area cut to fairway height or less are to be treated as ground under repair from which relief is available under Rule 16.1. Interference does not exist if painted yardage markings or dots only interfere with the player’s stance.
5. Exposed rock outcrops within areas cut to fairway height or less are to be treated as Ground Under Repair.
(b) Immovable Obstructions
1. Any artificially surfaced roads or paths including those surfaced with woodchip or mulch. Individual pieces of woodchip are loose impediments.
2. White lined areas and any immovable obstruction they tie into are treated as one.
3. Any ball that comes to rest between the white lines marked on the Path to the front of the16th hole then the player has these relief options:
a) Take relief under Rule 16.1, or
b) As an extra option, drop the original ball or another ball in the dropping zone. The dropping zone is a relief area under Rule 14.3.
4. Landscaped Garden areas and everything growing in them that are surrounded by an immovable obstruction are treated as one.
4. Ball Played from Outside Relief Area When Taking Back-On-Line-Relief
Model Local Rule E-12 is in effect.
5. Integral Objects
The following are integral objects from which free relief is not allowed:
(a) Bunker liners in their intended position.
(b) Wires, cables, wrappings, or other objects when closely attached to trees or other permanent objects.
(c) Artificial retaining walls and pilings when located in penalty areas.
6. Clubs and Balls
(a) List of Conforming Driver Heads: Model Local Rule G-1 is in effect.
Penalty for making a stroke with a club in breach of Local Rule: Disqualification.
(b) List of Conforming Golf Balls: Model Local Rule G-3 is in effect.
Penalty for making a stroke with a ball not on current list in breach of the Local Rule - Disqualification
Note: An updated List of Conforming Clubs and Balls is available on
7. Pace of Play (Rule 5.6)
(a) Player Responsibility
1. Be ready to play and play Ready Golf where possible.
2. Responsibility of all players to play without undue delay and within the time allowed.
3. Officials may inform groups who have not played within the permitted time limits.
4. Even if the reason for your group being out of position is because of a lost ball, lengthy search, or a ruling, it remains the responsibility of the group to get back into position as soon as possible.
(b) Pace of Play Policy
1. Maximum Allowable Time:
The maximum allowable time is the maximum time considered necessary by Gourock Golf Club for a group to complete its round. This is expressed in a per-hole and aggregate time format and includes all time associated with playing the game, e.g., for rulings and walking times between holes. The maximum time allotted for the completion of 18 holes at Gourock Golf Club is 4hrs 10mins.
2. Definition of Out of Position:
The first group to be considered “out of position” is the group’s cumulative time exceeds the time allowed for the number of holes played. Any following group will be considered “out of position” if it is more than the starting interval behind the group in front of them and has exceeded the time allowed for the number of holes played.
(c) Procedure When Group is Out of Position:
Groups should self-govern getting back on scheduled by following the following timings to catch the group in front:
1. The maximum time allocated per shot is 40 seconds + 10 extra seconds for the first player to play:
· On a par three hole,
· An approach shot to the green, and
· A chip or putt
The timing starts when a player has had sufficient time to reach the ball, it is his or her turn to play and he or she is able to play without interference or distraction. Time taken to determine distance and select a club will count as time taken for the next stroke. On the putting green, timing starts when the player has had a reasonable amount of time to lift, clean and replace the ball, repair damage that interferes with the line of play and move loose impediments on the line of play. Time spent looking at the line of play from beyond the hole and/or behind the ball will count as part of the time taken for the next stroke.
Groups that repeatedly fall behind will be assessed by committee representatives of whether there were any mitigating circumstances, e.g., a lengthy ruling, lost ball, unplayable ball, etc.
Repeat pace of play offenders will have their future competition tee times moved to the end of the draw sheet available times until they can demonstrate they can play to the maximum allowed time.
2. Once the group has caught the game in front, they should stop the timing.
8. Suspension of Play (Rule 5.7)
The following signals will be used to suspend and resume play:
· Immediate suspension for imminent danger - 1 prolonged note of a siren
· Non-dangerous suspension- 3 consecutive notes of siren
· Resumption of play - 2 consecutive notes of siren
Note: When play is suspended for imminent danger, all practice areas will be immediately closed.
9. Player Conduct (Rule 1.2)
Players are expected to demonstrate a high standard of personal behaviour and always comply with the Gourock Golf Club Code of Conduct Policy. The full policy is available to view in the Scottish Golf APP or Club Website.
10. Returning Scores
A player’s score card must be signed and submitted immediately via the Scottish Golf Scoring APP or the iPAD score entry terminals. If done by these digital methods, there is no need to return a paper scorecard. If a player is unable to submit a digital scorecard a digital image of the paper scorecard must be immediately sent to M&H at
For matchplay competitions, the result is final once the match is conceded by either player(s). The score must be returned immediately via the Scottish Golf Scoring APP or iPAD score entry terminals. If unable to return a digital result, the results must be emailed immediately to a member of M&H committee.
The following temporary local rules apply from 1st November to 31st March each year.
1. Competition Play:
Unless the course is closed before competitors commence play, any competition score attained shall count. Once play has commenced, the competition shall not be abandoned because of temporary water on greens or flooded holes / bunkers.
Competition play may start at the 1st or 10th hole providing the 9th hole is clear.
2. Preferred Lies:
A ball lying on any Closely Mown Area in The General Area including Putting Greens may, without penalty, be lifted, cleaned, and placed within 6 inches (150mm) of where it originally lay, but not nearer the hole. There are no preferred lies allowed in Penalty Areas.
When a player’s ball lies in The General Area but Not in a Closely Mown Area, the ball may be lifted, cleaned and replaced without penalty. The player MUST mark the spot of the ball before lifting it (see Rule 14.1) and the ball must be replaced on it’s original spot (see Rule 14.2).
3. Plugged Balls:
Lost plugged balls known or virtually certain (agreed with playing partner(s) to be 95% certain) to have landed in the FAIRWAY can be substituted with another ball dropped at the point the ball was thought to be lost without penalty.
4. Scoring For Handicap:
Handicap qualifying events are only played if course conditions allow. This will be determined by the starter prior to the first tee-off time. To be eligible to submit a score in Club qualifying events or for any General Play score, players MUST finish each hole (putt out) and not use mats anywhere in the rough.
5. Use of Mats:
Fairway mats are OPTIONAL if the ball came to rest on the fairway. Players must NOT make a stroke with a putter at a ball placed on a mat. Should the conditions dictate - the starter has the option to make mats MANDATORY on the fairway or fairway and cut rough areas.
For WHS qualifying Events, Mats must NOT be used in the rough.